Saturday, August 11, 2007

Tummy Time

Here's Nathan enjoying some of his tummy time.

" To lift this head takes strength! And once I get it rocking there's no stopping me from rolling over."

(unless I get stuck )

The halfway rollover

Nathan surprised us by rolling from his tummy to his back around 7 weeks old. I missed it because I was in the shower at the time. I actually have a video of him rolling over but I have yet to figure out how to get it onto my blog.

Sometimes you just need to take a break...

Nathan's buggy playmat...he loves the butterfly that plays music and lights up when you touch it.

"I think I'm ready to crawl now."


Wilde Mom said...

I love the pictures. That is exciting that he is beginning to roll over. How fun!

Shelly and Scott said...

OK, it's way to late...but I had to tell you how cute Nathan looks. He looks so grown up. He had changed already since we have been gone. Keep the photos coming, sorry i haven't posted, too much going on here in Paris. Soon. Love you all! Having an amazing time.

Kim said...

Hey guys, Nathan looks so big after I look at Brody. He actually fills out his pants--even shorts go down to Brody's feet. Also I can help you post a video (it is kinda tricky, maybe we should get together this weekend or something. See ya