Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday Best

Someone was very smiley this morning while getting dressed for church. I'm sure it helped that he had a full belly and a clean diaper. :)

I missed all the real big smiles.

I think he looks very GQ here with the shirt tucked in and all.

The sweater vest was a little bulky but he still looked adorable. The shoes didn't last very long but they sure were cute. I was excited that he could finally fit into this outfit.

Daddy and Nathan

Mommy and Nathan

And off to church we go...we were even a minute or two early today!


Wilde Mom said...

Amber you are beautiful! I can't believe how long your hair is getting. I think that is the longest I have ever seen it. :) I'm used to the short college hair cuts.

Lanna said...

Very cute pictures. If you want the shoes to stay on, get some two-sided tape. I put it on Maeryn's socks, then "smash" it onto the shoe when I put it on. It seems to help. Cheers!

Ambie T. said...

I love the picture of you and Nathan! Stunning!

Emily said...

Cute little outfit. I love the matchng belt and shoes...

Emily said...

Cute little outfit. I love the matchng belt and shoes...