Sunday, April 22, 2007


I must say that the effects of being pregnant are finally starting to get me. I am 35 weeks now. This last week of work was more tiring then usual. The extra weight is slowing me down and I have to pace myself. Saturday morning I woke up around 8 am but felt like a bump on a log until around 12 noon. I even had to lay down again for a little nap. Eventually Kevin and I went out to run some errands. We bought a few things for the baby which was fun. I was walking slowly the whole day though because my legs were a little sore and getting in and out of the car was quite the process:) Luckily this week is my last week teaching. I actually only have 4 days left since I'm taking Tuesday off. I'm really looking forward to my 4 weeks off before the baby comes! I hope I have enough energy to get some things accomplished (and have a little fun) during my time off before the baby.


Emily said...

Thanks so much for your post on my blog! It is so much fun to get an unexpected note. You are just too sweet. I am so excited for you and your baby boy. Boys are do much fun, you will just love it. I hope you last few weeks pregnant go by quickly, as they are the roughest. Please keep in touch, I would love to hear how your labor went, I am going to post your blog on my blog roll so I can check on you! Best Wishes!
Emily Loria

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Amber! You are almost there and all the uncomfortableness (is that even a word? :) will have been worth it.

<3, Laura