Saturday, April 07, 2007


We completed our 6-week Childbirth course this past Thursday. It was a lot of fun, very informative and we met some really nice couples. We all exchanged contact info so we can email our birth updates to one another and keep in touch. One couple didn't make it to the last class because the wife's water broke that very evening. The husband stopped by real quick to let us know how things were going. I realized that very soon Kevin and I would in the same situation as that couple. It's very exciting now that the due date is so close. I only have 7 more weeks to go! We have our next appointment on Monday.


Lanna said...

We have a card just like tha, complete with Hilary's signaturet! I bet you're excited to put that new knowledge to good use in a few weeks. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

We went to the same class at Torrance Memorial when we were pregnant with Katie :)
How did your appt go today?
