Wednesday, July 11, 2007


I can never pick just one picture...Nathan is full of cute and funny faces and I want to share them all!
I'm realizing that collared shirts and babies don't really work since their little necks are non-existent at this point. (Not that it stops me from putting him in them though.)
" Bring me a pina colada! "
No neck, serious face
I just love my little boy and enjoy our time chillin' out together this summer!


Laura said...

These are so cute!

rachel said...

Yes, collared shirts are totally impractical....but that is too cute not to make him wear it. He'll thank you someday...ok maybe not. :)

Lanna said...

I know what you mean about multiple pictures. I just can't bring myself to delete lots of pictures because each one shows a subtly different expression. Can he bring me a pina colada, too? :)

Shelly and Scott said...

Amber, those pictures are hilarious! Keep them coming. Nathan looks so cute, like a little surfer dude.