Monday, July 02, 2007

Look at me...

What a look! We propped Nathan up on a pillow and he was holding his head up and looking all around. He is a strong little boy. He's a total head bobber. If you hold him over your shoulder he's always holding his head up on his just have to be careful because his head sometimes comes crashing back into you.


Lanna said...

Very cute. He looks so alert! Maeryn still can't hold her head up in that position, but she does it well in the over the shoulder hold.

Laura said...

Love this pic! He is such a doll!

Wilde Mom said...

He is so adorable. I love the look on his face.

Emily said...

His hair is adorable! I love it! He's pretty strong, he'll be running before you know it. Just watch!

rachel said...

way, way too cute!

Shelly and Scott said...

This picture is so cute! Amber, you are becoming quite the photographer. He is such a precious baby. Enjoy this time when he is so little. Even though he is a big boy!